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Naznin Sultana

Front-end Developer based in America

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Featured Project which my best projects be choice to show

word clock app preview

World Clock App

Building a world clock app involves creating a tool that displays the current time across different time zones globally. It is integrated with a reliable database or API for accurate time zone information and daylight saving adjustments. World clock allow users to search for and add various cities or time zones to their list of clocks.

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Weather App

Developing a weather app involves creating a platform that provides users with accurate and real-time weather information. The app involves features such as current conditions, forecasts (hourly, daily, and weekly). Key components include integrating with a weather data API, designing a user-friendly interface, and implementing location services for personalized information.

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weather app preview
travel project preview

Travel Project

Developing a travel project involves creating a platform for users to plan, book, and manage their trips. Key aspects include designing a user-friendly interface, hotels, and activities, and providing detailed destination information. Additional features includes real-time updates, user reviews, and offline access for itineraries. The goal is to offer a seamless and personalized travel experience.

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